Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Tutorial for Pc/Laptop
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
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Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Mini Project in C Phonebook
This mini project in C Phonebook allows you to perform simple Phonebook operations like in your mobile. You can add, list, modify, search and delete Phonebook-related records. File handling and data structure concepts has been extensively used for almost all functions in this mini project.
Phonebook in C is a console application without graphic. The source code is complete and totally error-free. It is compiled in Code::Blocks with the gcc compiler.
The source code for this project is just over 300 lines, and it is very simple to understand. You can directly download the source code plus application file from the link below.
About Phonebook Mini Project in C:
Phonebook is relatively a very simple mini project in C that can help you understand the basic concepts regarding functions, file handling and data structure. This application will teach you how to add, list, modify or edit, search and delete data to/from the file.
Adding new records, listing them, modifying them and updating, search for contacts saved, and deleting the phonebook records are the basic functions which make up the main menu of this Phonebook application (as shown in the main menu screenshot below).
Personal information such as name, sex, father’s name, phone number, citizenship number, email and address are asked while adding a record into the Phonebook. These records can then be modified, listed, searched for and removed.
I have used many functions in this mini project. These functions are easy to understand as their name only signifies their respective operations.
void menu() - This function is used to display the main menu.
void start() - This functions calls the menu function mentioned above.
void back() - This function is used to go back to start.
void addrecord() – It adds a new Phonebook record.
void listrecord() - This function is used to view list of added records in file.
void modifyrecord() – This function is used to modify added records.
void deleterecord() – It deletes record from file.
void searchrecord() – It searches for added record by name.
void start() - This functions calls the menu function mentioned above.
void back() - This function is used to go back to start.
void addrecord() – It adds a new Phonebook record.
void listrecord() - This function is used to view list of added records in file.
void modifyrecord() – This function is used to modify added records.
void deleterecord() – It deletes record from file.
void searchrecord() – It searches for added record by name.
Mini Project in C Personal Diary Management System
One of the best C projects, mini project in C Personal Diary Management System is a console application without graphic. In this project, user can keep their personal record like they do in a diary. You can keep records of the important things you do in your daily life, like meetings and various other tasks.
This mini project on Personal Diary Management in C is compiled in Code::Blocks IDE using GCC compiler. It is complete and totally error-free.
The source code for this project is a bit long – over 1000 lines. So, I didn’t paste the source code here. You can directly download the source code plus application file from the link below.
About Personal Diary Management System:
In this console application, you can add, view, edit and delete records. Records can be added with many information such as duration of task, name, address, time and date. File handling has been effectively used to keep the records.
The basic user-defined functions used in this project are listed below:
- int password() – contains/manages/handles password protection
- void addrecord() – to add new diary record
- void viewrecord() – to view added record in list
- void editrecord() – to modify and update an added record
- void editpassword() – to modify/change a password
- void deleterecord() – to delete or remove a record permanently from system file
In this project, you need to enter a password to view, edit or delete record. Password is not required to view the main menu or to add record. We have used password in other mini projects in Code with C; what’s little different in this project is that you can edit the password within the application.
Your password is currently ‘Enter’ for this mini project. Don’t type e-n-t-e-r. Press the Enter key!
Mini Project in C Medical Store Management System
This mini project in C Medical Store Management System is a console application without graphic. In this project, you can add, modify and delete records of customers, suppliers and medicines. You can also search for customer or supplier details and medicines added into stock. Search can be done by medicine id, customer id or supplier name.
You can input many information like medicine Id, rack no., cabinet no., supplier’s name, unit cost, sale price, etc while adding a medicine into the store. You can also view information about report and billing.
The source code for this project is large, complete and totally error-free. It is compiled in Code::Blocks IDE with MinGW compiler.
Unlike other C program source codes, I haven’t displayed the source code for this mini project onMedical Store Management System in C here because it’s too long – over 2500 lines. You can directly access the source code plus application file from the download links.
About Medical Store Management System Project:
This mini project is a very comprehensive one. File handling has been extensively and effectively used for almost major functions. The whole project is based on file handling as all medical records are stored in file.
Data structure have been used to store and organize records. Overall, understanding this project will provide you valuable information on how to store, edit, search and delete data using file.
There are over 25 functions used in this mini project. I have divided those into the parent functions listed below to help you understand the project better.
1. Customer and supplier Id
int getcust_id();
int getsupp_id();
int getsupp_id();
2. Welcome and main menu
void welcome();
void main_menu();
void main_menu();
3. All boxes
void main_box();
void box1();
void wbox();
void box1();
void wbox();
4. Bill slip
void bill();
5. About menu
void about();
6. Medicine menu
void medicine();
void medi_sale();
void stock();
void update_stock();
void medi_entry();
void medi_search();
void remainder();
void medi_sale();
void stock();
void update_stock();
void medi_entry();
void medi_search();
void remainder();
7. Supplier menu
void supplier();
void supp_entry();
void supp_list();
void sup_update();
void search();
void search_id();
void search_name();
void supp_entry();
void supp_list();
void sup_update();
void search();
void search_id();
void search_name();
8. Customer menu
void customer();
void cust_search();
void search_cid();
void search_cname();
void cust_entry();
void cust_list();
void cust_update();
void cust_search();
void search_cid();
void search_cname();
void cust_entry();
void cust_list();
void cust_update();
9. Report menu
void report_menu();
void report();
void sale_rpt();
void sale_rpt_daily();
void profit_rpt();
void pur_rpt();
void pur_rpt_daily();
void report();
void sale_rpt();
void sale_rpt_daily();
void profit_rpt();
void pur_rpt();
void pur_rpt_daily();
void gotoxy (int x, int y) – I have been describing this function in every C mini project published on this site. You need to understand this function as it is one of the most important one used in Medical Store Management System Project.
Gotoxy function allows you to print text in any place of screen. Using this function in Code::Blocks requires coding, but it can be directly used in Turbo C. Here is a code for this function in Code::Blocks.
Mini Project in C Contact Management System
Mini Project in C Contact Management System is a simple console application without graphics. It is similar to the contact manager in cell phones. In this project, you can add, view, edit, search and delete contacts. All added and edited records are saved in a file.
You can list contacts by name, phone no., address and email. File handling has been used to record all data. I have used data structure to store the user name, email and contact. Overall, understanding the simple source code of this project will teach you how to add, edit, search, list and remove data using file.
The source code for contact management system project in C is complete and totally error-free. It is short and simple – just over 200 lines. You can download the source code and application file from the link below and compile it in Code::Blocks IDE.
About Contact Management System in C:
File handling, data structure, functions, and pointers are the main things which make up this simple C mini project. The key features of contact management system are listed below:
- Add new contacts
- List all contacts
- Search contacts
- Edit contacts
- Delete contacts
This project is somewhat similar to the Phonebook application mini project we published earlier. Both of these mini projects use file handling and data structures. They are built just as a console application suitable for beginners to learn and make simple mini projects.
Mini Project in C Telecom Billing System
With this mini project in C Telecom Billing System, you can perform and manage billing operations like they do in Telecom companies. Here, you can add records with name, phone number and the amount of payment. You can view, modify, search and delete existing records.
You can also make payment by providing your phone number instead of name. All data added or modified are recorded in a file. This project will teach you how to add, list, edit, search and delete records using file handling.
This mini project is a console application without graphics. It is compiled in Code::Blocks IDE using GCC compiler. So, compiling the source codes in other platforms or compiler such as Turbo C will produce errors.
The source code is complete and totally error-free, short and simple, just over 250 lines. You can directly download the source code plus the executable file from the link below.
Features of Telecom Billing System in C:
Simple functions have been used in co-ordination with data structure and file handling; the functions and features are listed below:
- Add new records: add new data into file with name, phone number and amount to be paid
- View list of records – lists all telephone billing records (as shown in screenshot 3)
- Modify records – edit the added records; name, phone number and/or amount of payment can be edited
- View payment – shows amount to be paid
- Search records – search for added/updated records in file
- Delete records – removes data permanently from file
This project is limited to the functions aforementioned. You can add new features as you like to make this project a better one.
Mini Project in C Student Record System
Unlike other mini projects published in Code with C, this mini project in C Student Record System has a unique style of coding and is presented in a colorful manner. It uses files as database to perform file handling operations such as add, search, modify and delete records to manage students’ records. In this project, you can also generate mark-sheet for students.
Here, a console window is virtually divided into 2 parts – one is static and it does not change, while the other is dynamic and it changes from time to time. The text are coded using various color-related functions to make them static.
The source code for this mini project is error-free, but not complete. There are many places for improvements and enhancements within the project. This C mini project on student record management system is compiled in Code::Blocks IDE using GCC compiler.
So, compiling the source codes in other platforms or compiler such as Turbo C will produce errors. The C code is around 400 lines, so I haven’t displayed it here. You can directly download the source code plus the executable file from the link below.
Features of Student Record System in C:
Simple functions have been to manipulate data structure and file handling, so here I will just list the features of this project.
- Add student record
- Search student record
- Modify student record
- Generate marksheet
- Delete student record
- Change password
The functions listed below have been used to produce background with color effects. They are described in the source code with comments.
- void SetColor(int ForgC)
- void ClearConsoleToColors(int ForgC, int BackC)
- void SetColorAndBackground(int ForgC, int BackC
void gotoxy (int x, int y) – I have been describing this function in most of the C projects published on this site. You need to understand this function as it is an important one used in this mini project on student record management system.
Mini Project in C Employee Record System
This is a very simple mini project in C Employee Record System. In this project, you can manage employee records – add, list, modify and delete records. Understanding this project will help you learn how to add, view, change and remove data using file handling.
Here, you can list the employees’ record but cannot search it like in other C projects. Try modifying this project, and write your own code to implement the search function. This project is complete and totally error-free.
This project is a console application without graphics compiled in Code::Blocks using GCC compiler.The source code for this project is short, simple and easy to understand.
Running Employee Record management system on other compiler platforms may require modifications to the code, and the current code will show errors. You can directly download the source code plus the application file from the link below.
Features of Employee Record System:
The main features of this project include basic file handling operations; you will learn how to add, list, modify and delete data to/from file. Currently, listed below are the only features that make up this project, but you can add new features as you like to make this project a better one!
- Add record
- List record
- Modify record
- Delete record
The functions used in this project are simple and they basically manipulate file handling and data structures. So, I will only describe the gotoxy function used in this project. Try to understand how this functions works as you may want to use it or find it used in many other C mini projects.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Mini Project in C Calendar
This mini project on Calendar in Cprogramming language is a console application without graphics. To make the calendar look colorful, many windows properties have been used in this project. Besides the color used in backgrounds, the days of the month are white and the vacations (Sundays) are indicated using the red foreground color.
In this mini project, you can find out the day corresponding to a given date and view the days and dates corresponding to a particular month+year. The source code is not that long, over 400 lines. It is compiled in Code::Blocks IDE with GCC compiler.
To help you understand the calendar mini project better, there are lots of comments within the source code. This project is aimed to teach you “how to make Calendar using C“. Click on the link below to directly download the source code along with the executable file.
About Calendar in C:
Basically three operations can be done in this calendar application. To find out the day corresponding to a given date, the date, month and year are asked. You can list the days and dates of any month of any year. For example, entering 04 2014 (April 2014) will give you an output as shown in the screenshot in this post.
You can navigate the months using arrow keys, or press ‘n’ and ‘p’ keys to view the next and previous months respectively. The third feature of this C mini project on Calendar application utilizes file handling. With this feature, you can add important notes with corresponding dates.
The functions used in the source code are simple and easy to understand. The ones listed below have been used to produce background with color effects. They are described in the source code with comments.
- void SetColor(int ForgC)
- void ClearConsoleToColors(int ForgC, int BackC)
- void SetColorAndBackground(int ForgC, int BackC)
void gotoxy (int x, int y) – You need to understand this function as it is an important one used in this Calendar in C language. You can find this function used in many C projects. This function allows you to print text in any place of screen. Using this function in Code::Blocks requires coding, but it can be directly used in Turbo C. Here is a code for this function in Code::Blocks.
Hospital Management System Project in C
This is a somewhat long but simple mini project in C programming language. Hospital management system project is just a console application without graphics, designed for Alka Hospital, situated in Lalitpur, Nepal.
This project mainly uses file handling to perform basic operations like how to add, edit, search and delete record using file. The source code of hospital management system is over 1100 lines, so the code has not been posted in this article.
You can directly download the source code along with the application file of this project from the link below. The C code is complete and totally error-free. Please make sure that you compile the source code in Code::Blocks.
About Hospital Management System C Project:
This mini project, like any other, is built without graphics and comes with simple file handling operations. The key features in hospital management system are:
1. Add new patient record:
In this feature, user can add a new patient record choosing between O.P.D. service and Emergency service. In O.P.D. service (shown in output screen below), name, address, age, sex, disease description and specialist room number to be referred are available. Thus given information is stored in file. The information to be given are same in Emergency service.
2. Search or edit patient record:
In this mini project, two features – searching and editing patient records are placed under a single feature. User can search or edit via. record number of the patient or his/her full name.
All the information corresponding to the respective patient are displayed. These include the ones provided while adding a new patient record. If wrong information about record number or patient full name is provided, the program displays a message saying that no records were available.
Also, user can view the list of expenditures of the particular patient whose record is sought. In the program, the financial information include total charge, total deposited and total money to return.
3. List record of patients:
In hospital management system c project, users can list patient records by choosing any one of the four options listed below:
- Records of patients in alphabetical order
- Records of Emergency patients
- Records of O.P.D. patients
- Records of patients in a particular date
As in the two features mentioned above, user can view financial records corresponding to any particular patient listed according to any one of the four options mentioned above. Pressing ‘Enter’ user can view the records of next patients.
4. Delete patient records:
This features allows user to delete added record of any patient. For this the patient number to be removed is to be provided. Upon ‘Enter’, user can view the patient record and the financial records of the patient. To delete the record, press ‘Enter’ and the respective patient record will be deleted from the file.
Project Output Screenshots:
Modern Periodic Table Project in C
The Modern Periodic Table project in C is a simple console application built without the use of graphics. It is developed using the C programming language for the purpose of storing name, symbol, atomic number, atomic weight, and some important properties as well as to display them as per requirement of the user. The source code for this project is complete and totally error free, and we warmly welcome any feedbacks and suggestions.
The source code for Modern Periodic Table project in C is simple and understandable which consists of around 600 lines of code. The code should be compiled in Code::Blocks as the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in which the project was developed is Code::Blocks using GCC compiler.. From the link below, you can directly download the source code (.c) plus the executable (.exe) file for this project.
The project will help you to understand file handling in C i.e. creating a file and accessing the stored data in the file, modifying and removing the stored data. This Modern Periodic Table project in C will also help you to understand the use of functions as well as different parameters of C programming language.
The main functions used in designing the Modern Periodic Table project are:
- void add(): This function is used to input or add the information of new element to the program.
- void explor(): This function is used to explore the stored information in the file created.
- void mainscreen(): It is included in source code of project file in order to print the text style and to control its color.
- void mainscreen(): This function is used to print the main screen or menu of the project.
Features of Modern Periodic Table Project in C:
- Storage of Element Information: In the project, you can add any new element with its name, symbol, atomic number, atomic weight and its some important properties. When new element information is to be added to this Modern Periodic Table, you have to enter 1 in the main menu and input information in given format. These information are stored in file created on the hard disk of computer by program itself.
- Exploration of element Information: Another main function of the Modern Periodic Table project in C is to explore or to display the stored information. You can search an element by using any of the following method:
- By name of element
- By symbol of element
- By atomic number of element
- By atomic weight of element
- If you press 3 in the main menu, the program will be terminated.
Snakes and Ladders Game Project in C
In this game project, I have presented the source code along with the algorithm and flowchart for the project under the name “Viper Buzz”. ‘The Viper Buzz” is a reflection of the famous classic game ‘Snakes and Ladders‘. Designed as a computer version of the South Asian game, this final year project is written on C language using GNU GCC compiler on Code::Blocks IDE. It is an entertaining game that has been made user friendly with multiple user compatibility.
This snakes and ladders game is primarily designed as a semester project. It particularly aims at imparting general workable and practical knowledge about C and lets the beginners have adequate concept on programming small to big projects. It is developed with a hope to increase the programming logic and also to provide substitution to the classical game“Snake and Ladder”.
Unlike other projects, there are many files, besides the source code files, that make up thissnakes and ladders project in C. You can directly download the program files of this project from the link below.
The game includes the facilities such as saving and loading the game. The saved games are password protected so that only the authorized user can load the previously saved game. Thesnakes and ladders game project comprises of multiple functions (scroll down to view the description for each) which can be dealt at ease. Attempt has been made to present the program in user friendly environment.
Objectives, Features and Scopes of Snakes and Ladders:
- To use different user defined function, to break a program into many simplified parts to deal with and to make it easier to understand the codes too.
- To promote the use of array in general programming for simplified version of the program.
- To apply the file handling concepts in order to retrieve the player’s data files that contains the data of the players.
- To use minimum graphics as far as possible to make the program execute fast but also user friendly side by side.
- To use general concept of c language to develop a simple snakes and ladders game that as a whole entertains the user.
- Compatible as multi-player game.
- Facility to save the game.
- Open the saved game using the password pre-defined by the user.
- Use minimum graphics in snakes and ladders as far as possible avoiding complex codes.
- Users preferring the classical games can switch to the game.
- Beginners in computer programming can take hints via the mini project to boost up their programming techniques.
- Can be brought in practice in training centers that offers basic programming courses.
- Can be the best choice as stress relieving game in the busy life pattern of the people in present life.
- Simplicity and efficient is main fact that we get using the c language, so user can execute snakes and ladders in each and every computer almost.
- Can be milestone for the programmers trying to learn to build projects in C.
Here is a block diagram for this Snakes and Ladders game labelled as “The Viper Buzz”.
Functions Used in Viper Buzz Project (Snakes and Ladders):
This function is the main function. This function contains the control of the whole game. User can switch to resume, new game, load game, save game, tutorial and exit from this function. It calls the respective function as user’s input. In this function user can use pre-defined short cut keys too.
Save game()
This part of the program is called from the main function when user wishes to save the game. The player can provide his own password to protect the game from other users. In snakes and ladders, this function calls the password function to get the password from the user. After getting the password the name of game, the name of players, and the value of the player is stored in a file named save.dat that can be reopened further.
This function enables the users to load the initially saved snakes and ladders game. In order to prevent the unauthorized use of the loaded game, there is a password system that user has to go through before he opens or loads the saved game. In order to get game loaded user has to input the game name and the password per defined or per entered. Password functions is called for password input and for matching of the password and the game name data is read from the data file save.dat.
This function in the program prints the tutorial of the snakes and ladders i.e. the help of the game, color indication and so on. The function uses a data file that contains the tutorial of the game. After printing the tutorial the control is transferred to main function.
This function generates the first screen appeared when the program is executed. This function includes some animations and the snakes and ladders title. This function gets control until unless any key of the key board is hit. If any key of the key board is hit the control flows to main function.
This is the function from where all the game is executed . From this function firstly the layout of the board is called. Then the vipers and the ladders are printed. Then the dice function is called and returned value is added to respective player’s position. Then after the viper and ladder function is called to check the viper and ladder position. Then after the players are displayed at the new position. At last eofgame function is called in this snakes and ladders if the player’s value equals to 100.
In this function, the general layout of the board is drawn as like in classical game. This function does not get control for long. As soon as it get the control it prints the layout of the board and the control goes to the main game function.
In this function, the vipers and ladders are drawn on the board. This function is called from the main game function of this viper buzz project. The viper are represented by the red color and the ladders are represented by the green color.
This function is for the value of the dice as per user’s reaction. In snakes and ladders, his function returns an integer value if any key of the keyboard is hit. The value is returned to the main game function. In addition to the dice rolling, this function holds the screen and also responds to the escape key pressed. If escape key is pressed, it flows control to the main menu else the control flows to main menu.
This is the function locating the player in the board of snakes and ladders. This function prints a white space in the old position and it prints the representation character to the new location as the value of the player. The main aim of this function is to prints the player’s indicator in the respective position.
In this function the player’s position is compared with the initial position of the ladder and respective value of the player is changed only if the initial value matches. In addition to that this function checks the hit condition also. The control flows to the main game after execution ofsnakes and ladders.
Locate(int , int)
This function is used in our program to set the cursor position on the different location of the screen. It takes two arguments and sets the cursor position according to the arguments.
In this snakes and ladders game project, draw() function helps to print the dice box and the data of the player on the box. It is called each time loop executes so that it overlaps the initial mesh created. This function displays the player’s current position, player’s name and turn.
Eofgame(char , int)
This is the final screen after any one of the player reaches to the position of 100. The main loop of the main game function in this snakes and ladders gets break and this function is called. In this function two arguments are passed i.e. firstly the player’s name and the player’s code. This function has the control until unless a key is pressed.
In this function, an address is passed as argument and entered password is returned for the pointer. In this snakes and ladders game project, the character that user input is take and the asterisks are printed in place of the character to avoid the identification. This function is called from save game and the load game.
This function is used in the program to play the sound of the game. This function enables the programmer to embed the sound in their console based program. This function takes the file name to be played. The file to be played should be inwav format.
Algorithm & Flowchart for Snakes and Ladders:
Here, individual algorithms and flowcharts have been present in a sequential manner for the functions that make up this gaming project.
1. main ()
Step 1: Start
Step 2 : Display the menu items.
Step 3: Check the user input and go to respective functions.
Step 2 : Display the menu items.
Step 3: Check the user input and go to respective functions.
- 3(a): If 1 go to main game() function
- 3(b): if 2 go to new game
- 3(c): If 3 go to load game
- 3(d): If 4 go to save game
- 3(e): If 5 go to tutorial
- 3(f): If 6 go to step 4.
Step 4: Stop
2. main game()
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Display the layout of the board of snakes and ladders from layout function.
Step 3: Call the dice function and store returned value to a variable(c)
Step 4: Check whether the p1 and p2 value is zero or not
Step 2: Display the layout of the board of snakes and ladders from layout function.
Step 3: Call the dice function and store returned value to a variable(c)
Step 4: Check whether the p1 and p2 value is zero or not
- 4(a): If yes, check the dice value
- if it is 1 or 6 change respective player’s value to 1.
- 4(b): If no increase the value of turn, call position function and go to step 3.
Step 5: Check whether sum of player’s value and dice(c) greater than 100 or not
- 5(a): If yes increase value of turn and go to step 3,
Step 6: Check whether sum player’s value and dicer equals 100 or not
- 6(a): if yes, display the player name as a winner got main.
- 6(b): if no, add the players value and dicer.
Step 8: Call the function position to locate the player on the board.
Step 9: Check whether dice value is 1 or 6.
Step 9: Check whether dice value is 1 or 6.
- 9(a): if yes, decrease turn by 1.
Step 10: Increase the turn by 1.
Step 11: Go to step 3.
Step 12: Stop
Step 11: Go to step 3.
Step 12: Stop
3. New game()
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Ask user whether to start a new game or not?
Step 3: check the input character
Step 2: Ask user whether to start a new game or not?
Step 3: check the input character
- 3(a): if yes,
- Assign player1’s value, player2’s value and turn to 0
- Ask for player1’s name and player’s name and store it to global structure of snakes and ladders.
- Call the function main game and change the flag value.
- 3(b): If no call the function main menu.
Step 4: Stop
4. Save game()
Step 1: Start
Step 2: check the flag value initialized as global is equal to 46.
Step 2: check the flag value initialized as global is equal to 46.
- 2(a): if matches to start up value (46) request user to start a new game and change the flag value.
- 2(b): If does not matches to startup value (46)
- Open a fie to store the data in append mode.
- Ask user for the input of game name and password.
- Write, player’s data, position , game name and password to the file.
- Display game saved
- Close the file and return to main menu.
Step 3: Stop.
5. Load game ()
Step 1: start
Step 2: Ask user for game name and password.
Step 3: Open initially saved fie from save game function in read mode.
Step 4: Compare the game name and password from user and data file.
Step 2: Ask user for game name and password.
Step 3: Open initially saved fie from save game function in read mode.
Step 4: Compare the game name and password from user and data file.
- 4(a): If both game name and password matches
- Display match found.
- Assign player’s data and name to respective global variables
- Call the main game function
- 4(b) If match is not found go to main menu of snakes and ladders
Step 5: Stop
6. Layout ()
Step 1: Start
Step 2 : Initialize a variable (j) as 0.
Step 3: Find the quotient when j is divided by 10.
Step 4: Check the quotient value is even or not?
Step 2 : Initialize a variable (j) as 0.
Step 3: Find the quotient when j is divided by 10.
Step 4: Check the quotient value is even or not?
- 4(a): if yes,
- Assign the value of i as 1.
- Display the sum of i and j.
- Increase the value of i by 1.
- Check the value of i whether it is less than equals to 10 or not?
- If yes, goto step 4(a).ii
- If no goto step 5.
- 4(b): If no,
- Assign the value of I as 10
- Display the sum of I and j.
- Decrease the value of I by 1
- Check whether the value of i is greater than 0 or not?
- If yes, goto step 4(b).ii
- If no, go to step 5.
Step 5: Increase the value of j by 10.
Step 6: Check whether j if less than 100 or not?
Step 6: Check whether j if less than 100 or not?
- 6(a): If yes, goto step 3.
- 6(b): if no, goto step 7.
Step 7: Go to main() function of snakes and ladders.
Step 8: Stop.
Step 8: Stop.
7. Drawviperandladder ()
This flowchart is continued below:
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Open the data file containing the initial and final position of viper and the ladder.
Step 3: Read initial and final position of viper and ladder.
Step 4: Find the coordinates of intial and final position of the snakes and ladders and store to initial.x, initial.y, final.x and final.y.
Step 5: Initialize a variable (a) with y coordinate of initial position.a=initial.y
Step 6: Locate the Cursor position as initial.x and a.
Step 7: Display asterisk (*).
Step 8 : Increase the value of a by 1.
Step 9: Check whether the value of a is less than final.y or not?
Step 2: Open the data file containing the initial and final position of viper and the ladder.
Step 3: Read initial and final position of viper and ladder.
Step 4: Find the coordinates of intial and final position of the snakes and ladders and store to initial.x, initial.y, final.x and final.y.
Step 5: Initialize a variable (a) with y coordinate of initial position.a=initial.y
Step 6: Locate the Cursor position as initial.x and a.
Step 7: Display asterisk (*).
Step 8 : Increase the value of a by 1.
Step 9: Check whether the value of a is less than final.y or not?
- 9(a): If yes, go to step 6.
- 9(b): If no, go to step 10.
Step 10: Initialize a variable (b) with x coordinate of initial position. b=initial.x
Step 11: Locate the Cursor position as b and initial.y.
Step 12: Display asterisk (*).
Step 13 : Increase the value of b by 1.
Step 14: Check whether the value of b is less than final.x or not?
Step 11: Locate the Cursor position as b and initial.y.
Step 12: Display asterisk (*).
Step 13 : Increase the value of b by 1.
Step 14: Check whether the value of b is less than final.x or not?
- 14(a): If yes, go to step 11.
- 14(b): If no, go to step 15.
Step 15: Check whether it is end of file or not?
- 15(a): If yes, go to step 17.
- 15(b): if no, go to step 3.
Step 16: Go to main() function of snakes and ladders.
Step 17: Stop.
Step 17: Stop.
8. Dice ()
Step 1: Start.
Step 2: Initialize a variable as 1.
Step 3: Increase the value of the variable by 1.
Step 4: Check whether there is keyboard input or not?
Step 2: Initialize a variable as 1.
Step 3: Increase the value of the variable by 1.
Step 4: Check whether there is keyboard input or not?
- 4(a): if yes, return the value of the variable as the dice value and go to main().
- 4(b): if no, go to step 5.
Step 5: Check whether counter variable equals 6 or not?
- 5(a): if yes, assign the value of counter as 1 and goto Step 3.
- 5(b): if no, goto Step 3.
Step 6: Stop.
9. Position ()
Step 1: Start.
Step 2: Display white space on the initial position of the players.
Step 3: Get the new player’s position.
Step 4: Locate the X and Y coordinate of the player’s position.
Step 5: Display the respective player to the position.
Step 6: Go to the main.
Step 7: Stop.
Step 2: Display white space on the initial position of the players.
Step 3: Get the new player’s position.
Step 4: Locate the X and Y coordinate of the player’s position.
Step 5: Display the respective player to the position.
Step 6: Go to the main.
Step 7: Stop.
10. Viperandladder ()
Step 1: Start.
Step 2: Open the file containing initial and the final position of the viper and ladder.
Step 3: Read initial and final position of viper and ladders.
Step 4: Check the player’s position with the initial position of the viper and ladder, whether it matches or not?
Step 2: Open the file containing initial and the final position of the viper and ladder.
Step 3: Read initial and final position of viper and ladders.
Step 4: Check the player’s position with the initial position of the viper and ladder, whether it matches or not?
- 4(a): If yes, Assign the value of player with the final value of viper or ladder.
- 4(b): if no, go to Step 5.
Step 5: Check whether the position of the player 1 and the position of player 2 matches or not?
- 5(a): If yes, Check the turn whether it is odd or not?
- If yes, assign player 1’s position equal to 1.
- If no, assign player 2’s position equal to 1.
- 5(b): if no, go to step 6.
Step 6: Go to main().
Step 7: Stop.
Step 7: Stop.
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